How to Keep Your Remote Team Engaged?

Keep team engaged - Hanzo Solutions - Hanzo Blog

Telecommuting is becoming increasingly popular in the workplace.

As a result, it is vital that businesses address all employees’ needs, including those who work remotely.

We know this well: Employee engagement is a critical component of every company. So how can we ensure that our remote workforce is engaged in times of crisis?

Encourage Frequent Communication

Employees who feel disconnected from the team or left out of the loop often lose their motivation. Remote employees often feel neglected or excluded from specific discussions, leading to feeling abandoned and unmotivated.

It is vital, especially during times of crisis, that remote employees drive. Internal solid communication with remote colleagues.

Make it a priority to schedule weekly or even daily video-call meetings with your team members, invest in a robust employee intranet communication platform, and establish an “open-door” policy with your employees.

Regular communication between employees offsite leads to greater productivity and employee engagement.

Establish clear goals and expectations

Often, remote workers aren’t producing enough quality work due to a lack of clear goals and expectations.

Unfortunately, it’s easy for expectations, guidelines and goals to slip when managing remote employees. This makes it more challenging to communicate with them.

This can lead to telecommuters being forced to guess the needs of their managers, which in turn leads to non-relevant work, and ultimately disengaged employees. This is why: Managers must set clear goals and expectations as a priority communicating these guidelines with remote employees in a detailed message or video call.

Allow your employees to grow

According to Achievers 2020 Engagement & Retention Report, 43% of employees would consider quitting their job or looking to advance in their career. Your remote employees will be more motivated and satisfied if they have the opportunity to grow, even in times of crisis.

These growth opportunities don’t have to involve promotions, raises or title changes. You can offer “lunch-and-learns,” encourage and reward participation in virtual conferences and even offer them.

You can also spend 15 seconds during monthly or quarterly reviews mapping out employees’ career paths within and outside the company. Remote workers are happier when they have growth opportunities. They are therefore more likely to produce high-quality work.

Recognize the efforts of employees

Low-value or unappreciated employees are more likely to leave the company and to be disengaged from their work. This can often lead to lower quality work. It is essential that remote employees feel valued and publicly acknowledged for their efforts. Employee engagement is critical.

A simple “Thank You Note” or “Giving Kudos” to employees can make a big difference on your intranet social and collaborative platform. Employees recognized for their hard work are more likely to stay satisfied and engaged in their current job.

Offer tips and training to help remote employees manage their time

Working from home can be easy to become distracted, especially if you have a family member. People who have never worked remotely often struggle to manage their time. You can increase engagement by providing tips and training on time management to your remote employees.

Asking your remote employee to make this request is a great way to accomplish this—a post with time management tips and tricks on your social media Intranet platform. In addition, training videos and one-on-one coaching can be included to help employees manage their time while working remotely.

Make Culture an Important Part

When a company moves to remote workers during a crisis, its culture can shift or disappear entirely. If you want your remote employees to stay engaged in difficult times, it is essential to have a strong company culture. Continue to build trust and respect with your colleagues by providing consistent, transparent communication.

It is vital to keep up with team-building activities such as happy hours, team lunches, and team games to foster culture. Remote employees require creativity and open-mindedness to do this.

However, all these meetings can be conducted via video conference. While we all work remotely, this encourages collaboration and enthusiasm.

Offering Mentorship and Training Opportunities

Employee engagement can be significantly affected by having a mentor at work. Employees need to know that they have someone to turn to in times of trouble and good times.

Mentors support their mentees in setting goals, working through difficult situations, sharing professional knowledge, and often acting as a confidence booster during stressful times.

Remote workers have more minor face-to-face interactions with their coworkers, which can cause feelings of isolation. It is crucial too. It is vital to have a mentor with who you trust and feel comfortable when telecommuting.

Utilize a Strong Internal Communication Platform

An email is an excellent tool for business communication, but it’s not the best for internal communication. A tool that allows employees to share photos, videos, documents, and stories is a great way to engage with them.

Remote team engagement is made more accessible by having everything in one place. Surveys on employee engagement can be an excellent way for your company to improve its communication. These surveys enable employees to communicate with management anonymously while also allowing them to share their concerns.

Utilizing an intranet portal that allows managers and employees to communicate and share information, remote teams can feel connected in real-time, making them feel like they are always together.

Communication is essential, especially during times of crisis. In addition, a social and collaborative environment in which teammates can share their experiences and knowledge elevates communication and drives remote employees to be more motivated.

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